M1P1(Feb-Mar 2017)
1) Thank you very much I could attend again (fourth time) M1P1.
Always it gives me a beautifull deepening in the practice, new insights and deepening in the theorie and always I enjoy the great qi-field. The course gives me support to persevere and to continue!
Mr D (Europe)
2)Near the end of the lecture in Week 6 you said that it is really important to go back to the theory and then back to the practice and repeat this 20 times. I think for me it has also been great to repeat again the Module 1 class. That also helps us to expand our knowledge and realise something new that we did not realise the last time.
ZQ is like a big jigsaw puzzle lots of different pieces but they all fit together.
I started incorporating SLS, PMT, La Qi and Abdo. massage into my day about a year ago and find it really helpful to maintain a qigong state for much longer every day. Some days even my practice is broken up into 2-3 different times.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us.
I know that some weeks we did some practice during the lectures but I was wondering if maybe you could consider doing the lecture and the practice at the end on a separate recording. Then it would be easy for us to just listen , and practice with the practice recordings.
‘do you feel calmer when doing la qi when listening to the lecture’. I can remember several years ago watching a Qigong movie - we started doing la qi at the beginning of the movie and 1 ½ hours later I was still doing la qi and felt such an incredible calm. I think the feeling if we create a strong qi field and are only focussing on la qi, generally the feeling will be stronger than if we are just incorporating it with doing something else at the same time.
I look forward to Module 1 part 2 .
Ms H (Australia)
3) Thank you so much for today's session ! I have been doing ZQ since 2008 and what I have learned with you has help me so much. You explained in a very good and simple way.
Ms R (Mexico)
4) I wanted to give some feed back about PS M1P1 class
I took M1 with PS about a year ago in Dec/Jan 2016. I believe it was her first time teaching an online class back then :)
Our friend PS has turned into an amazing teacher! She explains things so clearly, the slides are very good. Very good presentation and teaching skills.
The zoom software is much better platform, gives us a more class feeling. The video recordings excellent to have. The videos alone are worth joining the class for.
I really like your continuous improvement, as time goes on, both of you are getting better and better at teaching and healings.
Mr A (United States)
5) By the way, this might look crazy to you, but in these days many things have happened: yesterday I took the metro for the first time after 11 years. I was afraid before.
I am flying by myself for the first time in 10 years to Finland just for seeing my Chinese friends and no afraid to die

Anger is transforming into courage!!
Trying to transform frustration into healthy enjoyment of life.
This is a huge change inside of me.
I am flying by myself for the first time in 10 years to Finland just for seeing my Chinese friends and no afraid to die
Anger is transforming into courage!!
Trying to transform frustration into healthy enjoyment of life.
This is a huge change inside of me.
Ms A ( United States)
6) For years I was like carrying a heavy, stiff and “tortoise shell” at my back. Today my neck, my shoulders, my back, my waist, my hindquarters, my buttocks, my abdomen are now intact in “one piece”.
For example: I did not use much strength to walk now at if there is a force of Qi pushes my legs to move.
I am able to feel my “back” now
I’ve never feel so relaxed for years : - )
Thanks to teachers and trainers in the class!
Ms N (Malaysia)
Online Get Well Class
1) Wednesday I was so so relaxed I had to take the morning
activities very slowly. In fact I even took my blood pressure because I felt so
different. I have been taking medicine for high blood pressure for almost 10
years now and that morning my pressure was a little bit low (110/65)! So maybe
if I just learn to focus and relax, breathe and do large la-qi my blood
pressure will get back to normal.
When you pointed out to us to focus on how we were feeling
before the practice and after the practice (suddenly when you made us stop) and
how this would help us jump to another level, I was aware for the first time
how the practice changed not only my physical body (which it usually does) but
my emotional state: I felt calm, connected with myself, breathing deeply. It is
a state in which I would like to be always. I have been practicing qigong for 3
years now and it is the first time I am conscious of the difference. So thank
you for pinpointing this.
One evening last week I had 3 uncomfortable events after dinner
when thought I had finished the day. I was so uptight I decided to open my
laptop and focus on your images and breathe in order to be able to go to bed
relaxed. I did so and I slept really well. So now I can continue to use this
tool in my ordinary life and if there is no laptop I can always visualize the
Ms C (Mexico)
2)Able to go into a calm state and it gets easier with each class.
I am also trying to practice to be in this state throughout the day and in any
situation. Reminding myself to check and balance my emotional state which is
the cause of my illnesses. Able to manage my emotional state more easily
not to swing too much .
Having class is great as it forces the practice first and
gradually the practice to remain calm to be ingrained in me.
Ms PC (Malaysia)
Information Therapy
iTherapy 3:
The feedback of a family under iTherapy program (Part I) – United State
It started when the son was diagnosed with ADHD and opt for iTherapy program. After seeing the progress of the son, the daughter and husband with minor health problem enrolled into the program. Lastly followed by the mother whom had completed our therapist course Module One enrolled for herself.
The son:
We have been to his school and they underlined his progress but his weakness as well. While we all agree he does NOT need anymore ADHD medicaments, he is still anxious for the performance.
He let us notice how aware he is of his situation: “My sister doesn’t need this school, she has no problems for learning”, and he is still wounded for the treatment(re ADHD treatment) he received in last year school.
He is a bit obsessive with rules, especially those OTHERS do not respect, but DEFINITELY getting better. We don’t fight anymore for homework. He sits and with no fear anymore he complete his tasks BY HIMSELF, without getting stuck or shutting down if he thinks he can’t make it. When we consider that we started his Itherapy in March, it’s a very short time that seems an eternity, but since May we started noticing evident changes in him and our worries have decreased consistently. He sleeps very well.
The daughter:
She is moving forward. Following her step by step. She sleeps much better, all night without nightmares.
She is reacting to those who were bothering her too much, now. Good. She had the impulse to start also ballet, besides gymnastics. She is expressing her feeling faster than before. We learned to laugh a lot before going to sleep, so we go to sleep light.
On the other hand she says:” it’s not fair that my brother is going to that school where everyone is helping him, and nobody instead helps me in this school of mine”. Not true, they help her, but they always compare to each other!
She tends to preoccupation before things happen.
Generally better.
The husband:
This man surprised me. His literal words, with all respect: “ I don’t know what is that Your Miss Sew is doing to me, but since she started doing that thing that I don’t know(decode: iTherapy Program), I feel much better. Besides my stomach that hasn’t bothered anymore (he was taking pills), now I can eat EVERYTHING without any consequences. Before I was going to bathroom at least 3 times per day, and now only once in the morning. And it’s a good one, not diarrhea, like before. I can eat artichokes, spinach, and I will be fine. Even the herbs she suggested are good!”
One week ago he started the 8 weeks Mindfulness course and he is practicing every day 。。。
To be continued….
iTherapy 2:
A report from a mother whom grows together with the daughter:
I stopped sending the weekly reports on my daughter´s progress some time ago. However I think feedback is important. And we should wrap up this experience.
My daughter is doing very very good and we are both very happy for it!
We had accomplished four of the goals I had cherished for her:
1) find the joy of life she had before
2) be more balanced emotionally
3) want to communicate and interact with the outside world like she did before
4) improve her eating habits in order for her to loose some weight
And only the last goal had not been met.
5) improve her cognitive abilities as they were before
The first four goals were established and have held even though I believe the period of her therapy has ended. Her cognitive abilities are not as good as they were before but she is more positive in accepting new teachers and classes.
For all of this I am very grateful to you and tho the i-therapy you practiced on her.
I would like to share that on December she had a whole bunch of heath testing done: nutrients, vitamins, minerals, food allergies, etc. It was an exhaustive set of tests. Since February we have been providing her with important nutrition changes since there were several very low vitamin levels and some toxic mineral levels that could be interferring with her development. We also found important food allergies that could be disrupting her weight loss.
We also continued to practice neurofeedback with a trained specialist and changed some family dynamics according to her suggestions.
So, altogether I can say we are optimistic and very very happy to see her more involved in her surroundings. She has returned to her loving self (with her normal ups and downs like the rest of us if not working with the five elements!!!).
Since I have been doing my job in M2 and consciously working with the 5 elements focused on WORRY and ANGER, life has become easier and fluid for the whole family. I have also decided that occasionally I should take some time off to lower the pressure of family affairs. My two other children are doing OK so this also contributes to family health.
Thank you so much. I trust that i-therapy is a very important tool not only for children in the autistic spectrum and with ADD or ADHD but with other disorders as you will come to see in the near future.
Qigong therapy possibilities…the improvement from a 7 year old boy
The boy was 7 years 10 month young (November 2015) and was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. The mother took him to see Ms Sew Pei See (our Chief Therapist at Serenity THC) on 31st October and with 2 follow-ups on 7th November and 14th November.
The following report is from his mother.
Condition of my son before receiving therapy from Ms Sew Pei See:
When my son was three, I found that he is not able to speak clearly. Our doctor recommended us not to put him into bilingual education, just concentrate on one language and teach him how to express himself in an easy manner. When he was four, his speech ability has improved but teachers in the kindergarten said he is not able to catch up with the progress of his classmates. When he was five, teachers were not able to put him in kindergarten level 1 (meant for 5-year-old). He could only stay in preschooler class to learn from the first 2 books of the 4 books. Meanwhile his one year younger sister has already completed book 3 and book 4.
When he was 6, teachers tried to give him the learning materials of kindergarten level 1, but he was not able to study together with other children. I took him to see a psychiatrist and he was diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome. He is not able to stay focused, not able to read and not able to have eye contact with others. He has to go on long term medication to raise his ability to stay focused so as to help him to learn.(However, on seeing the child turned sluggish after few days, the parents stopped the medicines.)
When he was 7 and went to primary school standard 1, teachers complained that there is no way for them to teach him because he was not attentive, made funny noises frequently and never replied to teachers. Whenever he is not able to cope, he would cry. I realized that his ability to express himself is very poor and time in school was highly stressful. He complained of giddiness frequently and was highly sensitive to noises. If I were to talk to my husband in the car, he would complain that we were very noisy while his sister has no problem with that. He said he made funny noises because he found the reading sound of his classmates extremely annoying.
I have to spend time to calm him down at bed time, sometimes it took more than an hour for him to fall sleep. I have to put him into plenty of exercises to tire him down so that it would be easier for him to fall asleep. However he could not do anything too heavy or too tiring because he did not have the energy to do it. He was also lazy to walk, and was relatively much less active than most children of his age.
After the first week of therapy, he told me the tinnitus and giddiness has disappeared, he was able to fall asleep easier. I observed that he no longer complained about our conversation in the car as annoying, and he started to become more active. When the whole family went out for excursion, he was able to walk on his own much better and stopped asking us to carry him.
After 6 weeks of therapy, the first week after the school re-opened, his teacher came to inform me that my son has changed. He has the initiative to talk to teachers. During the second week of the semester, his class teacher, who was also his class teacher in standard 1, told me my son has improved tremendously. He is much more attentive, does not cry easily and has stopped producing funny noises. For the past one month since the school re-opened, he has become aware of his home work. Last year, his teacher would have to remind me to check on his homework. He is now able to inform me of whatever notices from the school, previously I have to ask other parents. He is able to pay attention to his classmates and see how fast he can complete his school work. His response is much faster than before and his learning ability has improved. He is able to complete most of his homework on his own and is happy to go to school.
We apply our Holistic Therapy (working on the physical body, mind, internal organ qi and emotion) to deal with our clients. We evaluated the boy's qi condition instead of focusing on to Asperger's symptoms to make our conclusion. The boy has to practiced the prescribed exercise 3-5 minutes twice daily. His mother has been very supportive, she has to help her son with the exercise to realign the posture, and prepared the 20 minutes twice daily foot soak for 20 days(food grade, non-regulated herbs). After a month, we found the qi condition and physical body has improved tremendously, he became very responsive and active. The hearing problem had improved markedly, we tried playing music while he was playing 2 meters away from the player, he noticed it. We increased the volume to the maximum; still he did not get frustrated. All the questions asked, he would answer and sometimes took the initiative to tell us more about his story...
The progress is very encouraging! The most important part is the support rendered by the parents and the willingness of the boy to try the therapy and practiced the prescribed exercises every day.
Information Therapy
iTherapy 3:
The feedback of a family under iTherapy program (Part I) – United State
It started when the son was diagnosed with ADHD and opt for iTherapy program. After seeing the progress of the son, the daughter and husband with minor health problem enrolled into the program. Lastly followed by the mother whom had completed our therapist course Module One enrolled for herself.
The son:
We have been to his school and they underlined his progress but his weakness as well. While we all agree he does NOT need anymore ADHD medicaments, he is still anxious for the performance.
He let us notice how aware he is of his situation: “My sister doesn’t need this school, she has no problems for learning”, and he is still wounded for the treatment(re ADHD treatment) he received in last year school.
He is a bit obsessive with rules, especially those OTHERS do not respect, but DEFINITELY getting better. We don’t fight anymore for homework. He sits and with no fear anymore he complete his tasks BY HIMSELF, without getting stuck or shutting down if he thinks he can’t make it. When we consider that we started his Itherapy in March, it’s a very short time that seems an eternity, but since May we started noticing evident changes in him and our worries have decreased consistently. He sleeps very well.
The daughter:
She is moving forward. Following her step by step. She sleeps much better, all night without nightmares.
She is reacting to those who were bothering her too much, now. Good. She had the impulse to start also ballet, besides gymnastics. She is expressing her feeling faster than before. We learned to laugh a lot before going to sleep, so we go to sleep light.
On the other hand she says:” it’s not fair that my brother is going to that school where everyone is helping him, and nobody instead helps me in this school of mine”. Not true, they help her, but they always compare to each other!
She tends to preoccupation before things happen.
Generally better.
The husband:
This man surprised me. His literal words, with all respect: “ I don’t know what is that Your Miss Sew is doing to me, but since she started doing that thing that I don’t know(decode: iTherapy Program), I feel much better. Besides my stomach that hasn’t bothered anymore (he was taking pills), now I can eat EVERYTHING without any consequences. Before I was going to bathroom at least 3 times per day, and now only once in the morning. And it’s a good one, not diarrhea, like before. I can eat artichokes, spinach, and I will be fine. Even the herbs she suggested are good!”
One week ago he started the 8 weeks Mindfulness course and he is practicing every day 。。。
To be continued….
After the stress of the hypothetical sickness, I increased my practice on emotions and awareness. Life is accelerated because of tasks, so I notice I am sometimes electric, busy physically and mentally trying to organize everything.
I therefore use the technique of the small spot in the space, trying to figure out that spot inside of me and dissolve it. And it’s very quick, like you thought me.
Notwithstanding the large amount of activities of the kids, I realized that teaching Italian at school on Saturday is not a big deal. After noticing that the word “teaching” just means “ let’s do something together “, I have been playing with those kids and having a lot of fun.
After being aware of the improvements with my back and consequently with Taiji without any gong fu of it, I offered to volunteer at the library of my neighborhood to teach what I know of my Taiji. With some betraying I will let them warm up with some ZQ, and do things for layers. That doesn’t scare me anymore. Instead of hysterically prepare myself practicing Taiji continuously I am keeping practicing Qigong and that will do.
I finally found out what is the QiField.
I am now using it ( sorry, it took time to understand the practical meaning!) before practicing. I have felt wholeness. No shape no form, but I felt like a hard egg. Solid and rounded, with no borders. After that experience, I have to say that even walking with the dog is different.
Anyway, in these days I feel more tired. It’s autumn here. Beautiful change of the nature, but I am very sensitive to weather, I guess.
There are no dramatic emotional changes. After all it seems steady enough.
After the stress of the hypothetical sickness, I increased my practice on emotions and awareness. Life is accelerated because of tasks, so I notice I am sometimes electric, busy physically and mentally trying to organize everything.
I therefore use the technique of the small spot in the space, trying to figure out that spot inside of me and dissolve it. And it’s very quick, like you thought me.
Notwithstanding the large amount of activities of the kids, I realized that teaching Italian at school on Saturday is not a big deal. After noticing that the word “teaching” just means “ let’s do something together “, I have been playing with those kids and having a lot of fun.
After being aware of the improvements with my back and consequently with Taiji without any gong fu of it, I offered to volunteer at the library of my neighborhood to teach what I know of my Taiji. With some betraying I will let them warm up with some ZQ, and do things for layers. That doesn’t scare me anymore. Instead of hysterically prepare myself practicing Taiji continuously I am keeping practicing Qigong and that will do.
I finally found out what is the QiField.
I am now using it ( sorry, it took time to understand the practical meaning!) before practicing. I have felt wholeness. No shape no form, but I felt like a hard egg. Solid and rounded, with no borders. After that experience, I have to say that even walking with the dog is different.
Anyway, in these days I feel more tired. It’s autumn here. Beautiful change of the nature, but I am very sensitive to weather, I guess.
There are no dramatic emotional changes. After all it seems steady enough.
iTherapy 2:
A report from a mother whom grows together with the daughter:
I stopped sending the weekly reports on my daughter´s progress some time ago. However I think feedback is important. And we should wrap up this experience.
My daughter is doing very very good and we are both very happy for it!
We had accomplished four of the goals I had cherished for her:
1) find the joy of life she had before
2) be more balanced emotionally
3) want to communicate and interact with the outside world like she did before
4) improve her eating habits in order for her to loose some weight
And only the last goal had not been met.
5) improve her cognitive abilities as they were before
The first four goals were established and have held even though I believe the period of her therapy has ended. Her cognitive abilities are not as good as they were before but she is more positive in accepting new teachers and classes.
For all of this I am very grateful to you and tho the i-therapy you practiced on her.
I would like to share that on December she had a whole bunch of heath testing done: nutrients, vitamins, minerals, food allergies, etc. It was an exhaustive set of tests. Since February we have been providing her with important nutrition changes since there were several very low vitamin levels and some toxic mineral levels that could be interferring with her development. We also found important food allergies that could be disrupting her weight loss.
We also continued to practice neurofeedback with a trained specialist and changed some family dynamics according to her suggestions.
So, altogether I can say we are optimistic and very very happy to see her more involved in her surroundings. She has returned to her loving self (with her normal ups and downs like the rest of us if not working with the five elements!!!).
Since I have been doing my job in M2 and consciously working with the 5 elements focused on WORRY and ANGER, life has become easier and fluid for the whole family. I have also decided that occasionally I should take some time off to lower the pressure of family affairs. My two other children are doing OK so this also contributes to family health.
Thank you so much. I trust that i-therapy is a very important tool not only for children in the autistic spectrum and with ADD or ADHD but with other disorders as you will come to see in the near future.
Itherapy 1:
Changing the character of 3-year-old 700km away.
YY is three; he is the first child of the family and also the first grandson of the grandparents. Naturally all attention and love was on him since birth.
His mother gave birth to his brother when he was 1-year-old. All the adults were happily going round the newborn, howevver YY would not allow his grandma and father to cuddle his brother. The moment he saw his grandma cuddling his brother, he would cry aloud. Slowly, he started to demand grandma to hold him for afternoon nap and if grandma did not pick him up when he woke up, he would cry incessantly.
The moment he saw his father, he would want his father to carry him, otherwise he would cry, sometimes for hours. The family has no choice but to allow the grannies to take care of him during the day. One year later, his younger brother was inflicted with meningitis (see: Recovery from meningitis) and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. During then, the family members took turn to take care of the brother. YY stopped talking and refused to go home with the parents at night and he never asked about his brother’s where about. He also did not response to what the parents told him about his brother. After the brother was discharged, YY became more attached to his grandma. He would not allow his grandma to hold his brother, even when his brother was crying.
On July 11, 2016, we contacted Pei See (through video Skype) for the condition of the younger brother and we invited Pei See to take a look at YY and run the i-Therapy for him.
One week after i-Therapy was started, we could clearly acknowledge the change of YY, we were surprised that he would get out of his bed on his own after the afternoon nap.
By now (September 1, 2016), i-Therapy has gone on for 2 months, YY is clearly a much happier boy. He smiles frequently and would ask for his brother when his brother went to the hospital for follow-up treatment. He was happy to stay with his aunties at home when his grandma went to hospital to have a look at this brother. He would tell his aunties that he missed his brother.
When the brother was back, he would play with his brother. In fact he now plays with his brother every day after school. His grandma and father can also join in to play with his brother. He has also started to address his aunties; previously he would only address his grandma and father. Many thanks to Pei See.
by FT (auntie of YY in Penang) 1 September 2016
11/7 因为弟弟的关系,我们联络到佩诗帮弟弟医病。同一时间,我们请佩诗检测哥哥也开始了哥哥的I-Therapy.
11/7 因为弟弟的关系,我们联络到佩诗帮弟弟医病。同一时间,我们请佩诗检测哥哥也开始了哥哥的I-Therapy.
Children Therapy: Qigong therapy possibilities…the improvement from a 7 year old boy
The boy was 7 years 10 month young (November 2015) and was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. The mother took him to see Ms Sew Pei See (our Chief Therapist at Serenity THC) on 31st October and with 2 follow-ups on 7th November and 14th November.
The following report is from his mother.
Condition of my son before receiving therapy from Ms Sew Pei See:
When my son was three, I found that he is not able to speak clearly. Our doctor recommended us not to put him into bilingual education, just concentrate on one language and teach him how to express himself in an easy manner. When he was four, his speech ability has improved but teachers in the kindergarten said he is not able to catch up with the progress of his classmates. When he was five, teachers were not able to put him in kindergarten level 1 (meant for 5-year-old). He could only stay in preschooler class to learn from the first 2 books of the 4 books. Meanwhile his one year younger sister has already completed book 3 and book 4.
When he was 6, teachers tried to give him the learning materials of kindergarten level 1, but he was not able to study together with other children. I took him to see a psychiatrist and he was diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome. He is not able to stay focused, not able to read and not able to have eye contact with others. He has to go on long term medication to raise his ability to stay focused so as to help him to learn.(However, on seeing the child turned sluggish after few days, the parents stopped the medicines.)
When he was 7 and went to primary school standard 1, teachers complained that there is no way for them to teach him because he was not attentive, made funny noises frequently and never replied to teachers. Whenever he is not able to cope, he would cry. I realized that his ability to express himself is very poor and time in school was highly stressful. He complained of giddiness frequently and was highly sensitive to noises. If I were to talk to my husband in the car, he would complain that we were very noisy while his sister has no problem with that. He said he made funny noises because he found the reading sound of his classmates extremely annoying.
I have to spend time to calm him down at bed time, sometimes it took more than an hour for him to fall sleep. I have to put him into plenty of exercises to tire him down so that it would be easier for him to fall asleep. However he could not do anything too heavy or too tiring because he did not have the energy to do it. He was also lazy to walk, and was relatively much less active than most children of his age.
After the first week of therapy, he told me the tinnitus and giddiness has disappeared, he was able to fall asleep easier. I observed that he no longer complained about our conversation in the car as annoying, and he started to become more active. When the whole family went out for excursion, he was able to walk on his own much better and stopped asking us to carry him.
After 6 weeks of therapy, the first week after the school re-opened, his teacher came to inform me that my son has changed. He has the initiative to talk to teachers. During the second week of the semester, his class teacher, who was also his class teacher in standard 1, told me my son has improved tremendously. He is much more attentive, does not cry easily and has stopped producing funny noises. For the past one month since the school re-opened, he has become aware of his home work. Last year, his teacher would have to remind me to check on his homework. He is now able to inform me of whatever notices from the school, previously I have to ask other parents. He is able to pay attention to his classmates and see how fast he can complete his school work. His response is much faster than before and his learning ability has improved. He is able to complete most of his homework on his own and is happy to go to school.
We apply our Holistic Therapy (working on the physical body, mind, internal organ qi and emotion) to deal with our clients. We evaluated the boy's qi condition instead of focusing on to Asperger's symptoms to make our conclusion. The boy has to practiced the prescribed exercise 3-5 minutes twice daily. His mother has been very supportive, she has to help her son with the exercise to realign the posture, and prepared the 20 minutes twice daily foot soak for 20 days(food grade, non-regulated herbs). After a month, we found the qi condition and physical body has improved tremendously, he became very responsive and active. The hearing problem had improved markedly, we tried playing music while he was playing 2 meters away from the player, he noticed it. We increased the volume to the maximum; still he did not get frustrated. All the questions asked, he would answer and sometimes took the initiative to tell us more about his story...
The progress is very encouraging! The most important part is the support rendered by the parents and the willingness of the boy to try the therapy and practiced the prescribed exercises every day.
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