Sunday, October 13, 2019

2019 Sharing of ESP experience

Sep 2019 ESP sharing: Como, Tisnov Brno

Recognize ESP course was introduced in 2018 by Serenity Therapy and Health Centre. This is the second year we shared our experience in recognizing ESP ability.  Many have queried about having ESP ability.  In fact, many practitioners who have practiced seriously at least for a year or more should have gained the ESP ability, just that we were not told or taught it is "ESP". In the past, ESP is known as very high level ability, a mystery gift.  Not to mention about applying ESP during our practices or during our day to day activities.  In fact, ESP is commonly aware of even for those who did not practice Qigong.

Recognizing ESP becomes a tool to progress and a very useful tool for self-healing.  As Serenity Holistic Approach has more emphasis on self progress at the first place, we recommend the participants to apply ESP to recognize their self state, not to become a hero neither to promote self-ego.  It is a course which is not related to spirituality, supernatural or religion.

We hope that to bring up the awareness of ESP ability, one can serve oneself better and create a harmonious atmosphere, become healthier and happier and serve the society better.

Online ESP course will be available soon in Dec 2019.  It is open to participants who have attended Module 1 (or M2) course. 

For inquiry, email :